How to specify parameters to google chrome adobe pdf viewer?

the #zoom=50 is a parameter that tells the pdf reader to zoom to 50%. This works in all browsers but google chrome because chrome has a built in pdf viewer. How can I pass this same parameter to google chrome's pdf viewer ?

asked Aug 19, 2011 at 18:52 BentOnCoding BentOnCoding 27.9k 14 14 gold badges 65 65 silver badges 93 93 bronze badges

chrome doesn't use adobe's code at all for pdf viewing, so there may not be any equivalent, you could try css styling the embed somehow.

Commented Aug 19, 2011 at 19:26

4 Answers 4

After checking various chrome bug reports, I can confirm that Google Chrome ignores the default functionality of Adobe PDF viewer. At the time of this answer there is no way to pass parameters (like zoom) to the Chrome PDF viewer.


Progress has been made on this by the Chromium team. The work was being done with reference to both the Acrobat SDK and RFC 3778. As of Dec 2017 Chromium added support for view , zoom , page , toolbar and nameddest and later made it into Chrome.

1 1 1 silver badge answered Aug 22, 2011 at 21:51 BentOnCoding BentOnCoding 27.9k 14 14 gold badges 65 65 silver badges 93 93 bronze badges It does understand the page parameter. Any others? Commented Feb 4, 2013 at 14:40

It also ignores view . I can confirm that years after this question, it still ignores zoom , but recognizes page .

Commented Mar 21, 2014 at 19:06

Here is the Chromium Bug Report regarding PDF Open Parameters support: