In the summer of 2023, the University released “Notre Dame 2033: A Strategic Framework.” This Framework will guide the University for the next 10 years. Read the Framework.
The University of Notre Dame’s strategic plan, “A Legacy Expanded,” builds on the University’s five goals as outlined by Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., in his inaugural year (2005) as president and provides focus, transparency, and accountability for Notre Dame’s activities for the next 10 years (2014-2024).
Each goal in “A Legacy Expanded” includes a set of enduring commitments—well-established strategies that have and will continue to guide our actions—as well as enhancement areas that will spur new energy and innovation in the University’s pursuit of that goal and, ultimately, its overarching vision.
Augmenting the University’s strategic plan are the strategic plans of the colleges, schools, and divisions. These individual plans include goals specific to the unit that have been developed to align with and support the University’s five goals.
Rev. John I. Jenkins, C.S.C., reflects on the vision for Notre Dame in this roundtable discussion.
The University’s five goals provide a framework for Notre Dame’s distinctive vision.
The mosaic below, inspired by tiles in the iconic Golden Dome on Notre Dame’s campus, illustrates the interrelationship of the University’s five goals. Goal I: Catholic Character is the underpinning for all of our endeavors and, together with Goal II: Undergraduate Education and Goal III: Research and Scholarship, represents the University’s core vision. Goal IV: Stewardship and Goal V: External Engagement support and sustain the University’s ability to achieve its mission.
Guided by these five University goals, all of our major academic and administrative units develop and implement strategic plans specific to their college, school, or division.