If after reading through this page you have further questions, please send us a message. *please only use this email for immunization questions, not general student health information. Thank you!
Steps For Immunization ComplianceSTEP 1: Complete the online Tuberculosis Screening Questionnaire.
STEP 2: You will receive an email after completing the questionnaire. Print the PDF and follow the instructions provided.
STEP 3: Have a doctor’s office, clinic or health department complete the correct Mandatory Immunization Requirements Form below. Forms cannot be signed by family members.
STEP 4: Log into the Student Health Gateway.
STEP 5: Monitor your Duke Email. Communications regarding your compliance status can be found by logging into the Student Health Gateway and clicking on “Messages” on the left tool bar. Your Duke email will notify you when a new message has been sent.
STEP 6: Register after July 1 for your My Duke Health.
Frequently Asked QuestionsDuke strongly recommends getting up-to-date vaccinations against COVID-19, especially for those with conditions that place them at higher risk. However, COVID vaccination is no longer a requirement for students, faculty, or staff working at Duke University or Duke University Health System. This includes the primary series and/or boosters.
The COVID-19 booster vaccine is highly recommended but not mandatory for all Duke students.
The flu vaccine is encouraged for all Duke students but is only mandatory for Duke Health Science students. You must receive a flu vaccine on or after 8/1/24 to meet this requirement. The deadline for receiving the flu vaccine is later than the deadline for receiving the other state-mandated vaccines and will be announced in the fall. You will have many opportunities to receive the flu vaccine on Duke’s campus. Medical and Religious exemption forms can be requested by emailing immunizations@duke.edu.
Failure to comply with the State of NC and Duke University Immunization Requirements by the 30th day of class will result in the deactivation of your DukeCard. Your registrar will be notified and you will not be able to attend class or register for future classes.
The Duke Unique ID number that Student Health uses is a seven-digit number that starts with either a zero or a one. M.I. stands for middle initial (common in the USA.) You can leave this field blank if you do not have an M.I. If you do not know your Duke Unique ID number, be sure your full name and date of birth are on your form so that we can access your chart.
Failure to complete the online forms may cause a delay in processing your records. Log into the Student Health Gateway by using your Net ID, password and birthday. Click the “Forms” tab on the left tool bar to complete the online forms. Please follow Step 4 under the Steps for Immunization Compliance.
This is the preferred method and will facilitate the processing of your record. This form can be found on the Duke Student Health Website under the Immunization Compliance tab.
Yes. The form must be completed online, printed and submitted with your immunization record (along with any additional testing or documents if applicable). Please upload to your Student Health Gateway.
Yes. All pages of the TB Screening Questionnaire must be submitted.
Yes, but an estimate is also okay. The question is really designed for a person who travels and not necessarily a person who has lived their entire life in a different country. In the instance that you have traveled, we do need to know the exact months you have been traveling to other countries.
We encourage domestic students to receive their immunizations and complete their TB testing before arriving on campus. International students will be given the opportunity to complete their TB testing and receive any necessary vaccines at Duke during the orientation week. Student Health does not place ppd skin tests. All TB testing will consist of an IGRA blood test. The cost of this test will be billed to the student’s insurance company.
You will have an opportunity to receive any necessary vaccines, titers, and TB testing when you arrive at Duke. You will receive information from your program later this summer regarding the immunization event that will be held in August for those entering the fall semester. Those entering in the spring semester can schedule an appointment with our immunization nurse by calling 919.681.9355 option 2.
The cost of vaccines and TB testing is not covered under the Student Health Fee. These services will be billed to the student’s insurance company.
Send an email to immunizations@duke.edu to request the appropriate exemption form.
This form allows any Duke facility to treat you if you are in need of treatment and it gives Duke permission to bill your medical insurance company – including Student Health, Urgent Care, and the Emergency Room. It is not part of the immunization compliance process, but it is a form we are asking all incoming students to complete before you get here.
You can leave those fields blank. You only need to sign the area that says Policy Holder or Guarantor and date. A parent or guardian should sign your form if you are under the age of 18.
The status remains Not Satisfied or Awaiting Review because we have not yet reviewed your records. This can take up to 3 weeks. Once they are processed, you will get a secure message through the portal notifying you of your immunization compliance status. Please note that your TB testing will remain non-compliant until you complete the test and we receive the results.
You are receiving this message because the systems that are confirming your enrollment to the university have not yet synched with our health record. Please check back in a few days for access. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Upload any additional immunization documentation to your your Student Health Gateway under the Medical Clearances- Immunization Reqs Form update button.
Student Health staff cannot verify your online submissions without your official immunization record.
You will receive a secure message on your Student Health Gateway when your records are processed notifying you of your immunization status. Please be patient as this can take up to 4 weeks. If you are non-compliant, the message will outline what you are missing. You must provide us with these missing items within 30 days of the first day of class. If you are partially compliant, the message will inform you of the date your next vaccine or titer is due. If you are compliant, the message will inform you that no further action is necessary.
You will receive an email in your Duke account notifying you that you have received a secure message from Duke Student Health. Log into the Student Health Gateway and click on “Messages” on the left tool bar. It is extremely important that you read all messages sent to you from Student Health. Failure to do so is the primary reason students fall out of immunization compliance, which leads to disruption in their educational experience.
Yes. Being partially compliant means that you cannot receive any more required vaccines or titers until the necessary time has passed since your last vaccine(s).
If you do not receive the vaccine in the time frame stated in the message you receive, you may be withdrawn from class and your DukeCard may be deactivated.
Student Health only places holds on registration and deactivates DukeCards after the 30th day of class. If you are experiencing problems before the 30th day of class, please contact your registrar or the DukeCard office. If your card has been deactivated due to immunization compliance, you should immediately contact Student Health at 919.681.9355 option 2 to schedule an appointment with the immunization nurse
It can take up to 24 hours for a hold to be removed once you have become compliant.
Td protects against tetanus and diphtheria. Tdap protects against pertussis, tetanus and diphtheria. Tdap vaccine was licensed in 2005 and is not available in all countries. If you need a dose of Tdap for immunization compliance, you can receive it at Student Health once you arrive at Duke. The State of NC requires 3 doses of a tetanus vaccine for college entry. One of these three doses MUST be a Tdap and one must have been given within the last 10 years.
This is very common in many parts of the world but in NC, per law, it must be given after the first birthday. This doesn’t mean you received the dose inappropriately it just means it doesn’t match NC law. You will have the choice of either receiving another dose or testing your blood to prove immunity.
You can choose the dropdown box for hepatitis B unspecified. Rest assure that if you make any errors when you’re entering your vaccines (date or brand) our staff will correct on your record when we are reviewing.
You can have blood titers drawn to prove immunity to measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella. Please send the lab reports, complete with reference ranges.
The State of NC does not allow us to accept titers for other required vaccines. If you are unable to find your documentation, you will need to restart those vaccine series. Please receive as many doses as possible before your arrival and we will help you complete the series at the appropriate time frames when you arrive at Duke.
You will need to attach a copy of your marriage certificate or proof of name change to verify that the record is yours.
You will need a note from a physician verifying your pregnancy and your approximate due date. Contact the Student Health Center for more information by emailing immunizations@duke.edu.
My Duke Health is a secure online portal that gives you access to Student Health Appointments, access to your medical health record, and fast communication with your health care team.
Great question and one that is hard to answer – the short answer is really dependent on how many hours you are taking on Duke’s campus in NC. Please check with your academic department as there are many different Duke Hybrid programs and it is hard to give a single answer.
(Med, Nursing- ABSN, R-NAP-DNP, PT, PA, A-MBS, A-OPT, A-PH, OD-T):
Yes. A complete Hep B series AND a positive Hep B Quantitative Surface Antibody Titer are required for all Duke Health Science students.
If your titer returns negative, you will need to receive the first dose of the second Hep B series and repeat the titer 2 months later (per CDC guidelines.)
There are 2 types of Hep B surface antibody titers – quantitative and qualitative. Duke requires the quantitative titer. Please send the lab report, complete with reference ranges.
We will only accept a qualitative titer if the report defines what numeric reference they use to determine a positive or reactive result. Ex: Reactive = >9.9.
All Health Science students at Duke must submit an IGRA TB blood test (T-spot or Quantiferon Gold) done within 6 months of matriculation. The only Health Science program that will accept a ppd skin test is NAP-DNP.
North Carolina State Law (General Statutes §130A 152–157) requires that all students entering college present a certificate of immunization that documents that the student has received all immunizations required by law. While your state or country of origin may have different immunization requirements, you must comply with North Carolina laws and Duke requirements.
Students who wish to receive additional vaccines including flu, HPV, and Meningitis B, or need clearance for shadowing and volunteering, should wait until after Oct 1 to schedule an appointment with Student Health.
Click on the Steps for Immunization Compliance tab above.
Students have 30 days after the first day of class to meet immunization compliance and TB requirements.